“Boomers” http://newsblogs.chicagotribune.com/taking-a-stantis/millennials/


How often do you hear someone complaining about millennials? Do they complain about lack of respect? Lack of motivation to work or go to work? How they demand everything for nothing? Well let me tell you, if we don’t start understanding this generation and start adapting to them and the following generation of workings we will start to see a collapse of businesses. The problem that I wish to propose answers for is to come up with ideas that allow companies to easily and successfully intergrade the newer generations into their workforce yet being able to evolve with them and how they perceive the world. To be able to take the thoughts and needs of the newer generations that may be seen as negatives from the older generations and somehow use them to create a more successful work environment. To do this we need to understand this generation of “WHAT DO WE WANT? WE DON’T KNOW! WHEN DO WE WANT IT? NOW! HOW ARE WE GOING TO GET IT? WE DON’T CARE AS LONG AS IT’S FREE!” then figure out major difference between the millennials, baby boomers, and gen X’ers. Once we get a solid understanding we can step forward to trying to make adjustments to current rules and regulations that may have been set generations ago and allow companies to be more successful as these newer generations start entering and running todays workforce.

First off we have the baby boomer generation. These were the people born post WWII and grew up witnessing the Vietnam war and the fight for civil rights. When it came to quality of life, they did not have the kind of technology we have today. However, this was the period where

technology was beginning to grow to help improve quality of life. during this time the hand-held calculator, AstroTurf, compact discs, audio cassette tapes, zips codes, more advanced telephones, technology to allow a man to land on the moon. These all were just some of the stepping stones that lead to a more advanced technology in the future. During this time men were the ones usually working a long 9-5 job trying to be able to bring back enough money to pay for everything that his family may need or want (Kaifi). Applying for a job and working has changed over the generations as well. During the baby boomer generation work places held a much less professional standard compared modern day work places. People smoked, joked around, did some things that would almost immediately get someone fired in today’s work environments.

Generation X’ers, the generation that followed the baby boomers and came before the millennials. This generation is really the buckle down and make sure you can be self-reliant, generation. (1. Kaifi) As Generation X’ers grew up they were quickly picked up traits such as higher risk taking, challenging authority, and being able to fend for themselves. Most generation X’ers lived in a household where one or both parents where working so for half the day after school they were home alone or with one parent. This situation is partially to blame for the needy sensation of the millennial’s. when the Gen X’ers stated having families they did not want their children to have to go through what they did. They then began to give much more attention to their children, making sure they have everything or giving and trying everything to make sure their children never had to experience what they had.

Now moving on to the Millennial generation because of the constant attention, the constant feedback, always getting what they wanted or needed, the idea that they will always get something was implanted in their minds. Now when this generation grows to the age to finally

enter the work age both the soon to be retiring baby boomers and Gen X’ers soon realize the blinding issues of this generation. These issues mainly show themselves in the workplace and in schooling, ranging from requiring constant attention, feedback, and rewards for any amount of work done. This of course has cause a large amount of unease in the older generations making them wonder how and why are these newer generation of workers so needy. Clearly, it is not the baby boomers or Gen X’ers who raised the newer generation of workers, nor is it their fault for possibly creating and advancing technology to extreme points without learning to what influences it would have on the generation that grew up with technology than to have it released after you have experienced life without it.

The millennial, trophy, generation Y, “I want it now, but I also don’t want to have to work for it” generation, is currently the most current generation hitting the beaches of entering the workforce. Growing up they had the turn of the century and major quality of life improvements over the previous generations. However due to the unknown issues of the rapid advancement in technology, this generation quickly grew up believing that everything would be provided to them and they would not have to work for it. On the other end of the stick this generation is also the most advanced, with being able to create, build, research, communicate, purchase, sell, share, accomplish so much more than the previous generations given the right mind set and tools. They are now able to communicate with whoever they need to be in contact with, within moments. This can be their families, friends, coworkers, or even bosses. They have almost an unlimited amount of knowledge in their pockets that can be access by land, sea, and air. Before workers would wait maybe 5-10 years working for a company before looking to move up or advance in pay or position. However now all this information is almost always required to be known between the interview and first few days of work. Millennial’s due to their

“HEY NOTICE ME, I WANT THIS NOW, BUT DON’T WANT TO PAY OR WORK FOR IT” Due to the millennial’s generation almost constantly seeking attention it has led to working doing work for praise and reward. (Myers) This attitude has led to some workers working at minimum compacity. This minimum effort leads to this huge circle of, millennial’s working either being fired for poor performance or workers quitting their jobs due to unsatisfying, uncooperative, strict, to demanding work places. Thus, these turnover rates start to affect the Gen X’ers who are usually in the managerial position above the millennial. Leading to more a stressful work environment for the managers which then points to the possibility of being fired or quitting due to the high demand and the uncooperating of the newer generation. As the circle continues now the last of the CEO’s who may be part of the baby boomer generation or are part of the Gen X’ers now have to the stress of keeping their company in the positive while trying to hire and train new managers to hire and train new staff.

Now that we have some understanding of the current and the previous generations I have come up with three separate proposals to keeping the turnover rate of millennial workers down. These proposals can potentially help companies evolve and adapt to the newer generations that are going to be entering the work place. My first proposal is to invest in your workers.(Orrell) This can range from the time you spend with them to the amount of money spent on training, equipment, benefits, luxury items, and salary. Investment be it time or money will show the millennial worker(s) that they are cared for and now they are not just some drone that can be replaced if they do not meet requirements, then continued to be cycled until someone fits the bill. Having workers that feel wanted or invested in will increase work place morale and productivity numbers allowing for the company to grow and expand. My next proposal is creating a goal line for workers so that they can be rewarded for working at base productivity levels then working

above expectations in the work place. This is a straight jab at the millennial’s mind set of everyone deserves a trophy just for participating. Now those who make the deadline or show the will to work and the ambition to go above and beyond what is minimally required will be rewarded. These rewards do not have to be drastically huge rewards but if they continue to grow in size with the amount of work that they are doing, it gives the worker the incentive to continue working their hardest and not at what is just expected from them. This then allows management and upper management to begin training those who go above and beyond to be prepared to move up the possible chain of command. This then leads to my third proposal. Creating leaders and not bosses. When you create or hire a boss you are bringing in someone who is telling or bossing employees around. For the extent of their work they talk the talk but don’t walk the walk. (Espinoza) This creates a a void of trust and respect between the younger workers and the older workers who are possibly in charge of them. With the lack of respect and trust millennials will quickly jump to the conclusion that this person may not actually know what they are doing or that they really do not care about the position they are in and workers that are under them. When you hire or create a leader in the workplace instead of a boss you bring someone you have the possibility to inspire and raise morale in the workplace. When you create a leader, who uses words like “we and us” instead of using singular wording you help destroy that void and start building trust and respect from your workers. (Adair) This added with showing their workers that they are willing to working just as hard and willing to brave the worst situations and be on the frontlines alongside those that are under them will create a bond. A bond causing both worker and leader to push for their very best to show the other that they will never give them up, let them down, run around, and desert them.

Now that we have learned some of the basic information about the baby boomers, Gen X’ers, and the millenial generation. We learned that Millennials compared to their older generations require a lot more attention and praise. So, through my proposed answers I believe that if a company would follow through and evolve its-self alongside each of the newer generations that continue to enter the workforce.

   Annotated Bibliography

1)Belal A. Kaifi “A Multi-Generational Workforce: Managing and Understanding Millennials” International Journal of Business and Management; Vol. 7, No. 24; 2012 ISSN 1833-3850 E-ISSN 1833-8119

This article goes into detail on the comparing three different generations in the workforce. The author has numerous degrees in various areas of business so I believe he would be a credible source when looking into hiring and retaining millennials in the workforce. I will be using this information to help get more information to help compare generations and how they proceeded to do things in the workforce.

2) Orrell, Lisa “IN ECONOMIC CRISIS, THINK OF THE NEXT GENERATION” Strategic Communication Management; Chicago Vol. 13, Iss. 2, (Feb/Mar 2009): pg 7 https://search.proquest.com/openview/8d530af45787171fc8700460e0106f86/1?pq-origsite=gscholar&cbl=44514

This article goes into a quick and short summery of the top five things she believes you need to look into and watch for when looking to hire and retain millennials. The author currently has various books on different generations and how to incorporate them into business, creating business brands, and helping gain leadership skills for the newer generations. I will be using this information to help show how times have changed and how the newer generations are requiring a different kind of attention and requirements.

3)Karen K. Myers “Millennials in the Workplace: A Communication Perspective on Millennials” Organizational Relationships and Performance” Journal of Business and Psychology June 2010, Volume 25, Issue 2, pp 225–238 https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s10869-010-9172-7

This article looks into the more positives of the millennial generation in the work force. Their different ways of communication, ease with technology, differences in how to problem solve,

and interactions within the work place. The author is a professor in communication and is the associate Dean in the Graduate Division at the University of California, Santa Barbra. I plan on using this information to help show that regardless of how badly millennials may look, the positive potential of having them work for you may hold a more positive outcome for your business.

4) John Adair “Not Bosses but Leaders” “How to lead the way to success” 3rd edition https://books.google.com/books?hl=en&lr=&id=9KjlfdpAQYAC&oi=fnd&pg=PR5&dq=leaders+vs+bosses&ots=UHmQz1vq4N&sig=RkY2uRKGWrzWWeyIyIPDUGrt3qg#v=onepage&q=leaders%20vs%20bosses&f=false

This book gave me some insight on the differences of being a leader and being a boss. That author served his time in the military, graduated from Cambridge. Within the past 10 years he has been he was appointed Chair of Leadership Studies United Nations System Staff College. I plan on using this information to help guide the reader on possibilities of creating a leader in their workforce instead of a boss

5) Kathy Espinoza “Bridging the gap” Communications between generations in the work place, Keenan & Associates. https://iepmahr.wildapricot.org/resources/Documents/IEPMA%20Communication%20between%20Generations%20in%20the%20Workplace%202018.pdf

This was a presentation given to groups of human resource officers to help in understanding the newer generation that is coming into the workforce. It goes into the differences and similarities that the current generations in the workforce have. Kathy has her Masters in both the sciences and Business science. I plan on using this information to help shape my solutions to this growing problem. Now that I have found a presentation that has been given to both high up and lower level of management I can better fine tune my information that I give to my reader.