Quick Write

What should the reader take away after reading your narrative?

Grading Criteria

  1. Literacy
  2. Lesson
  3. Story
  4. Dialogue
  5. Title/Images

Grading explained. For each of the categories I will assign a 0-3.

  • 0 means none.
  • 1 means needs work
  • 2 means good
  • 3 means amazing, excellent.

You want to get 2 on each category for a good passing grade.

So What? Making the Point Clear

An important aspect of writing is making sure that your point is clear. Even in these narratives where we are exploring ourselves. You want the reader to know the lesson or point you learned from reflecting and writing.

Here are some questions to consider when concluding your narrative:

  • What did you learn about literacy?
  • How do you learn?
  • How have others helped you?
  • What should the reader take away after reading this?
  • Why does this matter?

The literacy narrative helps us to understand how we learned something. Whether we had a teacher, an instruction video, or from trial and error. Make sure the literacy lesson or point is clear to your reader. Think about your audience and how you can help them to learn something from your experience.


Take the comments people have made. The changes we talked about in last class. All the feedback and revise your draft. Make changes. Then polish up your draft. Turn in a polished revised draft for grading. Make sure you include the minimum requirements.


  • Chapter 3 (“As He Himself Puts It”: The Art of Quoting)
  • Sandra Cisneros, “Eleven” (6)  JOURNAL 5 Summary/Response